Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mission statement

We belong to the north east part of India, a country with diverse beauty in every aspect, may it be nature or culture or heritage.

Our state Assam along with rest of the seven sisters’ states became part of India in 1828 when the British invaded. It has a total area of 78,438 km² (30,285 sq mi) and its population is 26,655,528. Assam is situated at 90-96 degree East longitude and 24-28 degree North latitude, bordered in the North and East by the Kingdom of Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh. Along the south lies Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram. Meghalaya lies to her South-West, Bengal and Bangladesh to her West.

Being a proud owner of 5 national parks and 15 wildlife sanctuaries, Assam has more than 35% of its land area as forest. A major portion of it belongs under the category " Rainforest" which contains many of endangered species of flora n fauna. In order to conserve these endangered species as well as to make the people around the world familiar with our rainforest we welcome nature lovers from all over the world to have some moment with it. The mission of this blog to give our visitor a preliminary idea on the places of visit and facilities regarding fooding and lodging.